The 10 Best Korean Shampoos to Buy in 2022

Korea has a reputation for a savvy fashion sense and for creating the best fashion trends. Now, Korea has stepped into the world of shampoos.
If you remember the virality of the Gangnam style, surely you will want to join in on the Korean shampoo movement.

A traditional shampoo comes enriched with chemicals that tend to be harmful to one’s hair and scalp. These conventional products often make people suffer from hair problems like dry scalp, oily hair, split ends, dandruff, and hair loss.

If you are done with rubbing cheap traditional shampoo on your scalp and are seeking a Korean shampoo to treat your hair with a better option, then we have you covered. Let’s get to the product reviews!

Go through the descriptions of the products below, and choose one which suits your needs the best.

Best Korean Shampoo Reviews:

1. Ryeo Korean Herbal Anti Hairloss Shampoo

Ryeo Korean Herbal Anti Hairloss Shampoo

The Ryeo company is known for its top-notch quality in its products. Because of this, it has managed to create a rabid fandom of dedicated users.

One of the best things about this Korean shampoo is that it comes with a conditioner for a full hair care experience. This duo of shampoo and conditioner is known for repairing damaged hair and splits ends.

The one downside of this product is that some people are not fond of the scent. I think that the powerful hair repairing features make up for this though.


  • This Korean shampoo tends to be great for repairing damaged hair. 
  • Comes at an affordable price, and provides value for your money. 
  • Can prove to be the best shampoo for preventing hair loss. 


  • The scent that’s included in this shampoo doesn’t suit everyone’s taste. 
  • Some users have reported that this shampoo can cause an allergic reaction.  

2. LG Reen Yungo Hair Cleansing Treatment Shampoo

LG Reen Yungo Hair Cleansing Treatment Shampoo

If you have been suffering from dandruff lately and are seeking a Korean shampoo that can be the solution to your problem, then this product can prove to be a great pick.

The ingredients of this Korean Shampoo are known to repair damaged hair. Many users report not needing a conditioner when using this product.

LG Reen Yungo Hair Cleansing Treatment Shampoo will generate lots of foam for your scalp to absorb easily. This absorption allows the shampoo to penetrate and repair the damage of your hair and scalp.

The one downside of this product for me was the quantity that comes in the bottle. Yet, the price is still reasonable and the results speak for themselves.


  • The scent of this is very agreeable
  • This shampoo is great for treating dandruff and oil
  • The price is reasonable


  • You only will be receiving a 250 ml bottle of this shampoo. 
  • This shampoo ingredient included sulfate as well which can cause an adverse reaction. 

3. Nature Republic Argan Shampoo

Nature Republic Argan Shampoo

This Korean shampoo by Nature republic is a great health care accessory for people who have dry, coarse hair.

The best feature of this Nature republic Korean shampoo is that it comes with three essential oils; argan oil, rosehip oil, and primrose oil. These oils are added to rebuild the damaged hair of the user and make them gloriously smooth.

If you are someone who has their hair color dyed, and that has caused serious hair damage, then this product can prove to be the ultimate solution for you.

In addition, this Korean shampoo has an incredible scent that will make your hair smell good for a prolonged time. For the price, this Korean shampoo provides great value for your money.


  • This shampoo shows the best result when applied to dry scalp and dry hair. 
  • This shampoo has a fantastic scent
  • Users would be able to witness realistic results within a short time span.


  • If you have curly hair, then this shampoo won’t suit your hair the best
  • Some of the users believe that this shampoo isn’t Korean due to the packaging appearance

4. Aekyung Kerasys Premium Shampoo

Aekyung Kerasys Premium Shampoo

If you have always desired that when you come out of the shower, your hair should give off the scent of a thousand flowers, then this product can be a fantastic pick for you.

The product’s scent is what makes it stand out from the crowd.

Another great feature of this Korean shampoo is that it comes with premium ingredients that are known to moisturize the roots of your hair, efficiently hydrating your hair.

One more advantage of having this Korean shampoo around is that it comes equipped with an easy push dispenser.

This shampoo tends to make your hair shine a lot brighter and makes it as smooth as silk.

If you are a person that has a dryer scalp, then this product should be a top contender for the product you choose.


  • The scent this shampoo comes with is considered to be incredible. 
  • This Korean shampoo provides users with lovely gloss and shine. 
  • Comes with an easy push dispenser


  • This Korean shampoo doesn’t target any particular hair issue (like damaged hair, or split ends)

5. Ryeo Chung Scalp Deep Cleansing Shampoo

Ryeo Chung Scalp Deep Cleansing ShampooRyeo Chung Scalp Deep Cleansing Shampoo

The products Ryeo comes up with can’t be neglected, hence here is another masterpiece from the same company.

The formulation that this Korean shampoo comes with is hard to find in any other product on the market.

This Korean shampoo helps you prevent sebum secretions within your scalp to provide you with reduced oiliness.

In addition to this, this Korean shampoo provides users with ultimate protection against dandruff and keeps your hair smooth and lustrous all day long.

Coming within an affordable price, this shampoo tends to be a great all-around pick to nurture all of your hair problems.


  • You can get your hands on this Korean shampoo for a reasonable price
  • Tackles common problems of oily hair and dandruff


  • If you have dry hair or scalp already, this may make your scalp drier since it blocks sebum secretions

6. Daeng Gi Meo Ri Gold Premium Shampoo

Daeng Gi Meo Ri Gold Premium Shampoo

If you are tired of dealing with hair loss and are seeking a Korean shampoo that can help you tackle this problem with ease, then this product can prove to be your viable pick.

The best feature of this Korean shampoo is that this shampoo is simply a powerhouse for all problems.

This shampoo cleans your scalp, kicks out the dandruff present in your hair, and detangles your hair like a pro.

In addition to this, if you have been going through a phase where your hair is falling abruptly, then this shampoo can prove to be a one-stop solution to your problem.

The medicinal herbs included in this shampoo provide users with strong, long, and denser hair within a short period.

For the price, this Korean shampoo comes in handy, providing users with extreme value for their money.


  • Contains medicinal herbs for strong, long, dense hair
  • This Korean shampoo brand has won numerous beauty awards. 
  • Proves to be premium and compatible with all hair types. 
  • This shampoo proves to be great at preventing hair loss.


  • The medicinal scent included in this shampoo isn’t liked by some of the users.

7. Daeng Gi Meo Ri Tea Tree Cool Shampoo

Daeng Gi Meo Ri Tea Tree Cool Shampoo

Daeng Gi Meo is a company whose name tends to be enough to assure users about the top-notch quality of its products.

Like the products mentioned above, we couldn’t hold back our resolve to include this shampoo in the list of best Korean shampoos in the market lately.

Most shampoos don’t provide users with visibly productive results,
but this isn’t the case with this shampoo.

This product will definitely add moisture to your mane – which is why it’s amazing at stopping dandruff in its tracks.

This is another Korean shampoo with a very agreeable scent that usually appeases everyone. If you are seeking moisture, then I would recommend you give this masterpiece a try!


  • This shampoo tackles dry scalp very effectively. 
  • Proves to be fruitful when it comes to dealing with dandruff. 


  • Some of the users find this shampoo to be overpriced. 
  • This shampoo isn’t great if you have oily hair. 

8. Ryeo Ginseng Shampoo for Anti-Aging

Ryeo Ginseng Shampoo for Anti-Aging

And…back for round three is another Ryeo product. I think it’s apparent that Ryeo is a powerhouse at producing quality Korean shampoo products.

This shampoo comes enriched with a premium formulation of ingredients that includes ginseng.

Ginseng is known to enhance the blood flow within your scalp, and restore the health of your damaged hair.

In addition, this Korean shampoo promises to provide users with gray hair color an extra shine.

This product tends to be somewhat expensive compared to the other products out there, however, the benefits it provides to people are also rarely found in other shampoos.


  • This shampoo proves to be the best when applied over grey hair. 
  • Only a small amount of this shampoo can do wonders. 
  • Contains ginseng for scalp restoration


  • The ginseng included in this shampoo produces a strong smell, that some users may not like.

9. The Trust TS Shampoo

The Trust TS Shampoo

This Korean shampoo is one of the best in the market for people with thin hair.

This shampoo formula comprises protein-rich biotin (Vitamin B5). This product makes the thin, average hair of a user thicker and denser.

In addition, this shampoo also contains rich sources of zinc and copper peptides to tackle dandruff effectively.

This product is free from silicons, synthetic perfumes, and artificial colors.

The price of this shampoo falls into a very reasonable range.


  • This Korean shampoo doesn’t contain any type of additives. 
  • Comes enriched with biotin, zinc, and copper peptides
  • This shampoo can deal with hair loss problems effectively. 


  • This shampoo doesn’t come with a premium scent (this can be a pro if you aren’t looking for a scent).  

10. Aromatica Tea Tree Purifying Shampoo

Aromatica Tea Tree Purifying Shampoo

First things first, this Korean shampoo is one hundred percent committed to its vegan principles, and assures users that no animal is harmed or tested with this product.

Moreover, this product is silicone and paraben-free to ensure no adverse reactions.

Though this Korean shampoo tends to help with many hair problems with ease, it is best at dealing with an itchy scalp. If you have an itchy scalp you should try out this shampoo. The price of this product is also on the reasonable end of the spectrum.


  • This shampoo is fully committed to vegan principles. 
  • One hundred percent paraben and silicone-free. 
  • Great at dealing with an itchy scalp


  • Some users have reported that they didn’t find this shampoo effective for their hair.

How to Choose the Best Korean Shampoo? – A Buyer’s Guide:Best Korean Shampoo

As there is a wide range of Korean Shampoo options to choose from, finding the right one for your hair can be challenging.

A comprehensive buyer’s guide is provided below, which will surely be helpful when choosing the right Korean Shampoo for you.


One of the most important factors you need to consider while looking for the best Korean shampoo is the size of the bottle it comes in.

Some products come in very small volumes, which means you will be buying them frequently. This can be costly and time-consuming. We advise you to do your research on sizes to ensure you pick a product that accommodates your budget.

You can look at the product label to see how many milliliters or ounces a product contains to get a feel for which ones make sense for you.

Hair Type:

A common mistake while shopping for a Korean shampoo, is to neglect the type of hair you have.

All these shampoos come with different ingredients that are added to address different hair problems.

If you opt for a shampoo that has ingredients that don’t relate to your specific problem, then you might end up creating a new hair problem that you will now have to deal with.

Hence that’s why, it’s highly important for you to determine the type of your hair first, and then opt for the Korean shampoo that promises to cope and tackle that problem with ease. 


Nobody wants to spend tons of dollars while getting their hands on their best Korean shampoo.

Normally, a Korean shampoo that comes within an average budget can prove to provide you with a profound experience as it will come with all the necessary ingredients that you might need to address your hair problems.

While going for an expensive shampoo, you would only be receiving two or three ingredients more than an average shampoo, which tends to be a waste of money. Those last few ingredients usually provide diminishing returns but require large premiums.

Hence, it’s advised to look for the ingredients you are going to receive at a certain price point. This will ensure that your Korean shampoo provides immense value for your money.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do You Need a Conditioner?

Several of the products mentioned above comes in handy as a package of shampoo and a conditioner.

And conditioners are added here for a reason.

As we are aware of the fact that normal conditioners are applied to the hair to make sure that the hair remains smooth and healthy for a prolonged time.

However, just like the other conditioners, the Korean conditioners tend to come with a little something extra.

The Korean conditioner leaves a light sheen of oil and essence on your hair to make sure that your hair remains healthy. 

And with that being said, the Korean shampoo mentioned above is enough on its own to provide you with productive hair results, however, with a combo of a conditioner, the result produced can be simply incredible.

What is the best Korean shampoo?

The shampoo that comes enriched with a well-researched formula and natural ingredients will be considered the best Korean shampoo. 

With that being said, the products mentioned above comprise the premium highlights that I have hand-picked to provide you with a profound experience.

In order to make sure that the Korean shampoo you have chosen for yourself suits your needs, you need to go through our buyer’s guide and see which ones match up with your hair type and hair problems.

Is Korean hair care better?

By focusing on modern standards, Korean hair care products come enriched with premium ingredients that are known to provide users with strong and long hair.

Korean hair care products have managed to create quite a fandom. This is not due to random chance – this is because they are using well-researched ingredients and eliminating most of the harmful ingredients found in traditional shampoos.

Korean hair cair products are absolutely better than the other average products present in the market.


Wrapping it all up, you won’t find any single drawback of these Korean shampoos that would stop you from switching to them.

The quality you get with a Korean shampoo will be much higher than you receive in other average American products. 

With that being said, the products mentioned above comprise the premium highlights and are hand-picked to provide you with a great hair care experience.

In order to make sure that the Korean shampoo you have chosen for yourself suits your needs, you should go through our buyer’s guide and see which ones match up with your hair type and hair problems.

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