What’s the Best Heated Eyelash Curler: Which Work and Which to Avoid

By the time you start genuinely searching for the best heated eyelash curler, you’ve probably wasted money and time with ‘clamp’-style lash curlers that pinch your delicate eyelid skin, pull out fragile lashes and create those 90 degree angles in lashes that are even more unattractive than no curl at all!

Our Top Pick

In the end, we all come to heated eyelash curlers

After all, heated lash curlers come with benefits that us lash freaks absolutely need. Here’s a quick roundup of what makes the heated versions so effective…

  • Quick & long lasting. The biggest advantage of heat is that it only takes a few seconds to create curls that last all day, through humidity and rain.
  • No pinch, no pull. This is by far the most wonderful perk of heated lash curlers. Unlike traditional clamps, the majority of heated curlers are wand-like, which means there’s nothing pulling or pinching at your eyes.
  • Perfect for fragile lashes. If you have fragile lashes or lashes thatseem to be constantly falling out, the last thing you want to do is subject them to the tug-and-pull of clamp curlers. Heated curlers, on the other hand, simply lift up your lashes for a gentle curl – without any force that could potentially damage more delicate eyelashes.
  • Curls and tames. Got lashes that like to stick out in all different directions? A clamp-style curler is just going to accentuate that. A heated curler, on the other hand, helps tame and curl those stubbornly wild lashes, giving you a clean and professional look.
  • Get that extra lift. You go through all the effort to curl your lashes but as soon as you put on a layer of mascara, they droop again. Sound familiar? With a heated lash curler, you can get an extra lift and curl in seconds, without the breakage that you’d risk by putting mascara-ed lashes in a clamp curler.

That all sounds great and all but before you rush over to pick up one of these amazing eyelash curlers – there are a few things you should know about heated curlers…

Clamps vs Wands

best heated eyelash curlerbest heated eyelash curler

Heated eyelash curlers come in two styles: a clamp and a wand. The clamp styles aren’t really clamps at all – meaning, they don’t require force to curl your lashes into shape. Instead, they use heat and the curvature of the clamp to give your lashes an uplifted curve.

The wand style curlers, on the other hand, have a comb-like end that allows you to get every last lash, letting you separate lashes as you curl, and gently applying heat to your lashes to sweep them upwards.

Overall, they’re both great, but your decision between the two depends on what your needs are. The clamp-style heated curlers have the advantage of being more beginner-friendly and producing more intense curls in a shorter amount of time.

On the other hand, wand-style heated curlers aren’t as beginner-friendly, but are more compact and portable, and better for getting an extra lift after mascara. They also come with the huge perk of never pulling your lashes or pinching your lids! They’re ideal for getting every last little lash curled – even the baby ones at the inner corner of your eyes.

Natural Lift vs C-Curl

best heated eyelash curlerbest heated eyelash curler

One thing that’s really important to note about heated lash curlers is that they excel at creating a certain type of curl: perfectly separated lashes that smoothly and naturally sweep upwards for a wide-eyed, energized look.

If you’re looking for a natural, uplifting curl – heated lash curls are perfect for you. But if you prefer the ‘C’-type, bent curl, it’ll take a bit of experimentation and work to get the style you like. Here’s a full guide on how to curl your eyelashes with heated lash curlers to get you started!

So…What’s the Best Heated Eyelash Curler? Here’s Our Top 6 Picks (and Why We Love Them)

Alright, now that you know what you can expect from heated lash curlers, here are the best picks out there – and their pros and cons!

1. Ardell Heated Eyelash Curler

Ardell’s Heated Eyelash Curler is a classic and one that comes with a sort of cult following – it seems that once you get used to this device, you may be using it for life.

Not surprising, when you consider that it makes it almost too easy to get curls – and we mean curls – in a matter of seconds. It’s also comfortable to use and it does a great job creating lashes with curves that stay all day, even after layers of mascara.

You can also easily adjust the level of intensity you want in your curls. For a normal day at the office, begin at the base of your lashes and then gently – and slowly – ease it toward the middle of the lashes. Stop there and you’ll have a beautiful, open-eyed and energetic looking lash line.

If you’re going for a night out and want something more dramatic – start at the roots and sweep it gently toward the end of your lashes. That’ll produce the sort of curled lashes that touch your brows.

As for the downsides, the main one is that this device is kinda…manual. For example, it doesn’t have an on/off switch, which means you’ll have to switch it on and then hold it for about a minute until it gets hot enough to curl your lashes. Not a huge deal but definitely bothersome.

And, of course, this curler does not last forever. With time and repeated use, they either break or get hairline cracks that can pinch your skin so if you use it and love it, get them in packs of multiples – it’s cheaper that way!

2. Hitachi Heated Eyelash Curler

Hitachi Heated Eyelash Curler


Love super curved, dramatic curls that’ll catch eyes from all the way across the room? Meet Hitachi’s lash curler. This is a heated curler that’s definitely better at creating intense curls than more natural, sweeping ones. That makes it ideal for those with stubbornly straight lashes that point downwards, but can produce curls a bit too extreme if you’re looking for subtler, more natural curves.

It can be done, however, by creating small bends throughout the lash to get a gentle curve, as long as you’re willing to play around and experiment until you get the effect you want.

A big upside for this lash curler is that it’s sturdily built and has a fairly long lifespan, as far as heated lash curlers go. It also comes with an on/off switch – unlike Ardell’s above – so you don’t have to hold it “on” until it’s hot enough. As convenient as the on/off switch is, though, it means you’re going to occasionally forget to turn it off immediately and end up wasting battery power.

Which brings us to another downside – this thing eats up batteries quickly. More cons? Unfortunately, the product instructions only come in Japanese and since it is geared toward the Japanese market, it can be a little difficult to get it right at the very base of your lash roots – especially if you have deep set eyes – and a tad small for bigger, rounder eyes.

That being said, this lash curler is great at what it does – creating curvy, eye-catching curls that last all day.

3. Eyecurl II Electric Heated Eyelash Curler

Eyecurl II Electric Heated Eyelash Curler

Is it possible to have both dramatic and natural-looking lashes? It is with this heated lash curler. In terms of sheer power – not something that wand-type heated lash curlers are known for – Eyecurl comes out on top.

It heats up super quick – and we’re talking only 15 seconds – and you’ll know it’s ready when the little red dot turns white. It heats up quite hot, especially when it’s on new batteries. That heat is what makes this curler amazing at producing dramatically swept-up curls in record time, but it can also be a bit too powerful, so be careful, and don’t hold this at the root of your lashes for more than a second or so.

We especially like that this lets you know when you’re running low on batteries so you’re not left trying to uselessly curl your lashes without enough heat power. Another great feature is that,thanks to the heat, the curl lasts a stunning long amount of time.

The downsides? The usual – it eats batteries. It’s also not the sturdiest device, but not more so than the average heated lash curler. The main thing we don’t love about this one is that it’s bulkier than the Chella below, which can make it more bothersome if you’re looking for something portable.

Overall, this is a solid pick for creating both natural and dramatically curled lashes that last in just a few seconds!

4. Chella Heated Lash Curler

Chella Heated Lash Curler


When it comes to sleek, compact heated lash curlers, Chella’s is our hands down favorite. It’s no bigger than a tube of mascara, making it the ideal device for curled lashes on the go. Plus, there’s no electricity needed, decent battery life, and it heats up quickly – within 20 seconds.

The temperature is high enough to get a fantastic curl that lasts all day while still being safe enough not to burn you. Plus, the wider head makes for easier, faster curling. The best news? Thanks to the heat, it produces a lift and curl that opens up your eyes, giving a doe-eyed, awake look without much effort or mascara. No crimp, no L-shaped angles – just a subtle curve that looks like it’s naturally yours.

But where it really shines – especially amongst the wand-type bunch – is that it’s actually sturdy and won’t break on you in a matter of months, which tends to happen with most of the cheaper, wand-type models.

The drawback is that there’s a bit of a learning curve, especially if it’s your first time using a heated eyelash curler, so you’ll want to check out our tips below on how to use a heated eyelash curler. To summarize it quickly, here’s something to note: If you just follow Chella’s instructions to “hold the curler against the lid for about 8 to 10 seconds” – you’ll get nice separated lashes that fan out with a lovely lift. But no real curl. In essence, 10 seconds will get you a subtle opening effect that’s more like a blow-dry for your lashes than a proper curl.

So if you want a more dramatic lift and curl, it’s going to take longer than ten seconds. The best way to get WOW results with this heated curler is to take your time holding the curler to your lashes, so they have a chance to warm and bend, and then slowly move your way up toward the ends. Spend a little more time on more stubborn, straighter lashes. Once you get the hang of it, it’ll take less than 30 seconds per eye. Not bad for gorgeous, all-day curls.

5. Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curler Comb

Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curler Comb

Love the compact, portable convenience of Chella’s Heated Eyelash Curler but not the price tag? At almost half the price, Panasonic’s Heated Eyelash Curler Comb is a great option. It also heats up quickly, is battery-operated, tucks away easily into a makeup bag, and has a heat indicator on the back that changes from purple to pink to let you know

to start curling.

It doesn’t heat up quite as hot as Chella’s curler – but it does get warm enough to do the trick. Plus, the gentle heat is rather soothing and can be better for those with more sensitive skin and eyes.

The warm heat makes it ideal for fine lashes – short or long – but it can take a while longer if you have thick, dense lashes. That being said, ‘longer’ is still less than a minute per eye to create curls that last all day so, all in all? Worth it.

Where this lash curler really excels is the comb design, which is conveniently circular and lets you separate lashes as you curl, getting rid of any mascara clumps and allowing you to grab every last little lash. Just remember to wait for mascara to dry before you use the curler, since the comb can take most of the mascara right off if you use it right afterwards.

Now onto the downsides…there are a few. For starters, the battery life is pretty junky – expect to replace it every week, especially if you’re using it every day. Also, the comb attachment has a tendency to fall off so keep the entire device tucked safely into your makeup bag, so you don’t lose the comb if it accidentally drops off.

The biggest complaint, though, is that this curler runs out of steam fairly quickly – a few months is it’s average lifetime… In the end, it’s not the most durable curler, but at its price point, it’s a fair bargain overall.

6. Japonesque Heated Mini Eyelash Curler

Japonesque Heated Mini Eyelash Curler

With a price that’s right between the Chella curler and the Panasonic above, Japonesque’s Heated Eyelash Curler is the perfect ‘Goldilocks’ option – and has a loyal following to prove it. The device is sleek, portable and super convenient to carry around. Plus, it’s probably the best looking of the heated eyelash curlers with a sleek black body that’ll make you feel good when you use it.

As for the curl power, Japonesque is ideal for creating smoothly swept upwards, naturally curving lashes that open up your eyes. If you’re looking for a more dramatic ‘C’ curve in your lashes, it’s trickier to do with just this heated lash curler alone – you’ll want to curl first with a traditional clamp-style lash curler, apply a coat of mascara and then use the Japonesque to get that falsies look.

Overall, though, this heated curler’s strong suit is producing great, natural looking curls with a subtle yet defined curve. As an added bonus, it does so quickly and efficiently – as long as you let it heat up first, which only takes around 30 seconds at the most, you can sweep your lashes up into a gorgeous curve in one or two slow swoops.

The deep, well-spaced grooves also make it easy for your fingers to ‘hold’ your lashes in place as you gently bend them upwards.

As for downsides, the most glaring one is that it’s a rabid battery eater. For such a small thing, it certainly eats up a lot of power! Tip: Get rechargeable batteries for this one.

As for the curl power, Japonesque’s is ideal for creating smoothly swept upwards, naturally curving lashes that open up your eyes. If you’re looking for a more dramatic ‘C’ curve in your lashes, it’s trickier to do with just this heated lash curler alone – you’ll want to curl first with a traditional clamp-style lash curler, apply a coat of mascara and then use the Japonesque to get that falsies look.

Overall, though, this heated curler is much better at producing great, natural looking curls with a subtle yet definite curve. And it does so quickly and efficiently – as long as you let it heat up first, which only takes around 30 seconds maximum, you can sweep your lashes up into a gorgeous curve in one or two slow swoops.

The deep, well-spaced grooves also make it easy to ‘hold’ your lashes in place as you gently bend them upwards.

As for downsides, the most glaring one is that its a rabid battery eater. For such a small thing, it certainly eats up a lot of power! Tip: Get rechargeable batteries for this one.

3 Heated Eyelash Curlers to Avoid:

During your search for the best-heated eyelash curler, you’re bound to run into a few duds. To save you time, effort and money – here are five not so great heated lash curlers you should steer clear of!

1. Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curler with Rotating Comb

Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curer with Rotating Comb

Heated and with a rotating comb? That sounds great…in theory. It is a good concept but it totally fails in execution. When you actually try to use it, it makes the process of curling your lashes a whole lot more complicated than it ever needs to be.

To add insult to injury, it doesn’t provide much of a curl at all.

Overall, you’ll be jumping through hoops for curls that simply aren’t worth it. Skip this one.

2. Blinc Heated Eyelash Curler

Blinc Heated Eyelash Curler

We so wanted to love this one. It’s sleek, it’s beautiful, it’s so easy to carry around. But our favorite thing about it was the convenience of the red LED light on the back of the wand that turns yellow when it’s fully heated. That, and the sturdiness.

But apart from that, it’s straight up tricky to use – definitely not a device for beginners. Despite what the manufacturer’s claim, it takes much longer than 5 seconds and what you get for your effort is more of a gentle lift,rather than an actual curl.

Overall, if you have time to master the learning curve required to get a decent curve in your lashes, it’s not a bad choice. But why bother when there are better, easier options?

3. Touch Beauty Heated Eyelash Curler

Touch Beauty Heated Eyelash Curler

Touch Beauty’s curler has a few positive points – for starters, it’s easy to use and it heats up pretty quickly. But that’s about it.

Overall, it’s a flimsily built device and that immediately becomes apparent. The switch is loose, the light flickers on and off unless it’s in the perfect position, and the batteries fall out whenever they’re feeling like it.. Maybe that could be overlooked if the curl was worth it, but sadly, it’s not.

The positioning of the device is awkward and difficult to place on your eyelid for that eye-opening lift. Plus, it takes forever – well over 5 minutes for each eye – to get any sort of curl. Just not worth it. Don’t even try.

2 Curlers That Are Good – But Not Great

While we were searching for the best and worst eyelash curlers out there, we came upon these two. They weren’t horrible enough to make it into the Worst section, but not stunning enough to make into the Best list, either. Below, view their pros and cons and make your own decision if they’re worth it for you.

1. Beauty7 Eyecurl II

Beauty7 Eyecurl II

No matter if you’re going to work or traveling from one place to another, this eyelash curler can be used anywhere.

This eyelash curler consists of a compact design and due to its lightweight mass, this eyelash curler supports extreme portability. Well known for its hot brush, this eyelash curler proves to be different from others.

Coming with a sleek design, this eyelash curler operates on AA batteries, so you don’t need to recharge this eyelash curler again and again. Besides being rich with optimum specifications, this product ensures the safety of your lashes and offers you to optimize the heat according to your personnel preference.  

If you’ve always desired an attractive curl, this product can do wonders for you and can help you stand out from the crowd.


  • Comes within a unique design and can be used with ease.
  • It’s being manufactured in three different colors.
  • A set of eyelash brushes is included in the package to offer users with extreme results.


  • This product doesn’t work with mascara-covered eyelashes.
  • This product only works on longer lashes and won’t be able to curl up your shorter, smaller ones.

2. Remington Reveal Lash & Brow Kit

Remington Reveal Lash & Brow Kit

If you’ve always wanted to be more visible in the crowd and be the talk of the party, your dream can come true by using this extensive eyelash curler. With its ultimate design and high-quality performance, you can achieve any style you want.

Achieving natural curls and long lashes isn’t difficult anymore when you’ve got this lash curler beside you. The curler designs your lashes so they look attractive and supreme from every angle. 

With its quick preheating feature, this device heats up real quick, and can provide you with visible and dramatic results quickly and effectively.


  • Get’s heats up quickly and you don’t have to wait to curl your lashes up.
  • Makes eyes well defined and eye catching.
  • Due to its compact design, it’s easy to take it with you while traveling.


  • It does not have a sensor that can shut off on its own, and this can be a risk sometimes.
  • Some users complain that this curler provides extensive heat that can damage your curls.

Tips on How to Use a Heated Eyelash Curler:

A few tips and tricks can be the difference between utter frustration and perfectly curled lashes. Here’s what you need to know…

  • the time to bend the lashes back and push back to create the curl you want. Again, move slowly and experiment with the angles at which you hold it.
  • An easy trick is to start with the lash curler at the base of your lashes and then do a very slow blink – the pressure of the blink helps curl your lashes as they move through the curler.
  • Product definitely helps. Like with so many heated eyelash curlers, using a primer or a mascara helps ‘set’ the curl into place. Just remember – if you’re using it after mascara, make sure the mascara’s completely dry, or you’ll have a melted, clumpy mess on your hands.
  • Try to get the curler as close to the root of your lashes as possible – without causing yourself discomfort – for a serious, eye-opening lift.

Yes, heated eyelash curlers can have a bit of a learning curve, but once you figure out what works, it becomes second nature..

How to Choose the Right Heated Eyelash Curler:How to Choose the Right Heated Eyelash Curler

How to Choose the Right Heated Eyelash Curler:

Every woman dreams of having perfect lashes that are long, strong, and curled enough so that it is easily visible and stands out from the crowd.

But as there are a lot of options you can pick your eyelash curler from, it’s not always easy to know which one is right for you and your needs.

To help, here’s a comprehensive guide provided to you below, to make it easier for you to choose the best option for you.

Battery Type:

Normally, there are two types of curlers that are available in the market. One type is curlers that use a rechargeable battery via a USB port to charge, and the other one uses AAA batteries to operate. Decide on which option fits your own needs and preferences.  They both have their own pros and cons, but they both can provide you with a rewarding experience. 

An eyelash curler that works on AAA batteries doesn’t need to be charged again and again, but once the battery juice is finished, you might have to purchase the batteries again. A curler with a rechargeable battery can easily be charged again via USB cable, and can be used for a prolonged period.


As the eyelash curlers come in a variety of sizes, it’s important to choose a size according to where and when you’re planning to use it. 

If you’re looking for an eyelash curler that you need to use while going to work or while traveling, then you should opt for a compact size so that it can easily slide into your purse. 

If you’re planning to get a lash curler to be used only at home, then you should get a bigger size, as the bigger size comes with more features and an easier grip.

Temperature Control:

Most curlers come with a feature where you can preset the heat of the curler to curl your lashes according to your personal preference. 

Some of the curlers even include an LED light within the specifications of the curler so that it can update the user on which temperature the curler is currently on.

It is recommended to go for a curler that has at least 4 to 5 preheat temperature adjustments options so that you have multiple alternatives for all your different styles and looks.  


As eyelash curlers provide heat to your lashes, it’s a device that you should use carefully and with full attention, as your eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of your body, and you’re handling them with heat.

Many devices come with a self turn-off system that prevents users from any type of hazard. This automatic shutdown feature works with the maximum temperature that’s set on the curler by the manufacturers, and if the curler exceeds that optimum temperature, device will turn off, and won’t be operable…

This is an excellent feature for safety, and it’s recommended to go for a curler that has this auto self turn off option, to ensure user’s safety and prevent potential risk.


Most curlers are manufactured and textured with plastic or metal. Plastic materials are known to be less durable and less efficient than metals. Moreover, if your curler consists of plastic material, you’re more at risk, as plastic materials are not safe in usage. It’s recommended to always go for a metal material, as your deciding factor should be your safety and durability of the product.

How to Use Your Eyelash Curler

Now that you know how to choose the best eyelash curler for you, it’s essential to know how to operate it, so you don’t cause any type of damage to your natural lashes or extensions.

Before operating the device, make sure that the batteries are placed correctly or your rechargeable curler is fully charged, so that you don’t run out of energy mid-curl.

Below are the steps that you should follow while using your eyelash curler to refrain from any hazard.

Step 1:

First, you need to prepare your eyelashes for curling. Make sure that your lashes are cleaned and rinsed, and don’t have any makeup on.

Step 2:

Switch your eyelash curler on and wait till it heats up to the right temperature.

Some of the devices get heated within no time, so it’s important to test the heater with your hand first, to make sure that it’s at the right temperature.

Step 3:

If you have a clamp-style curler, then you should adjust your lashes between the curler and hold the curler at a perfect angle for 45 seconds to a minute before pulling it off.

If you’ve chosen a wand-style curler, then begin with the bottom of your top lashes and curl them up very slowly. Tilt and adjust your lashes in the direction of the curl and take them out after 15 seconds. 

Step 4:

Apply your mascara after curling your lashes up to get the best results. This step isn’t required, but make sure to remember that you should curl the bottom end of your lashes as well. 

These steps are the same for lash extensions. But before curling your fake lashes up, read the required temperature that works for the extension, to avoid ruining your falsies.

Benefits of a Heated Eyelash Curler:Benefits of a Heated Eyelash Curler

Heated eyelash curlers prove to be an essential tool to step up your lash game and make you stand out from the crowd.

Besides providing extreme curl to your lashes, these eyelash curlers work to amplify your personality and overall look, by making your eyes more visible and eye-catching. With an essential eyelash curler, you can fulfill your desire for those long-lasting curved lashes, and can always remain at the top of beauty and fashion.



  • It’s extremely durable and works for a prolonged time as compared to regular curlers.
  • Make your eyes look attractive and eye-catching.
  • Comes with a wide range of customization options and is convenient to use .
  • Provide incredible and vivid style to your lashes


  • Can be more expensive than non-heat curlers.
  • Has a higher chance of heat and fire hazard.
  • Needs to be charged with a USB or batteries.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will a heated eyelash curler damage my lashes?

If used right, the eyelash curler won’t damage your lashes. In fact, this tool will help them, making them look more attractive and giving them a unique style.

Can I curl my lashes with a heated curler after I've applied mascara? 

You can apply mascara before using a heated curler if you want too, but it’s a better option to apply mascara after you’ve heated your eye lashes.

6 thoughts on “What’s the Best Heated Eyelash Curler: Which Work and Which to Avoid”

  1. I was thinking about getting a heated eyelash curler because I have stick straight lashes that don’t hold a curl with the traditional curler. Unfortunately, most of the product reviews I’ve read on Amazon and makeupalley.com are mediocre at best.

    Your article was excellent at explaining which type and brand to buy and how to use it! I feel more confident to give this type of curler a try.

    Thank you.

    1. You’re so welcome! And yes, heated lash curlers are controversial especially since a lot of people don’t take the time to get to know how to use one. Good luck!

  2. I have tried and have the Hot Lashes heated eyelash curler and it is the best IMHO by far.
    This little pink base heats just the pad of the gold metal curler to the best warmth, so my lashes stay curled. I got mine at their website of same name. Hotlashes….so Happy with this. I have tried so many eyelash curlers and this one wins hands down. HTH~ Madison L

  3. I have been using an eyelash growth serum for a long time now. I have never needed a curler before and still don’t, but my problem is, the new lashes coming in are going all which way but normal. Would a heated curler tame my crazy hairs, so to incorporate them into the normal looking other lashes?

  4. Hello, can you use a eyelash heater on the bottom lashes? My bottom lashes go side ways, would a heater work if it can be used.
    Thank you

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