How to Get Rid of Eyelash Dandruff: 10 Most Effective Solutions

A head full of flaky, itchy misery isn’t exactly terribly fun and can lead to serious irritation and redness. Thing is, though, you can get dandruff in other places too. Pretty much anywhere hair grows, to be specific, and that includes your lash line.

Eyelash dandruff leads to itchy, crusty, red, and flaky eyelashes and lashes line, and it can not only be irritating as hell, but obvious to others as well. Plus, it neither looks nor feels very pretty.

Even worse, if you get it once, you’re likely to get it again; just like scalp dandruff, eyelash dandruff tends to be genetic, and if you have the genes for it, it’ll be chronic.

This means that in order to deal with chronic eyelash dandruff, you’ll want to develop a long-term treatment plan to get it to go into remission, and have an emergency flare-up toolkit just in case you get a “surprise.”

Here’s a roundup of the best ways to banish eyelash dandruff for good!

You Are What You Eat:

Eating well and drinking lots of water can have a big impact on your skin and hair (including head hair, eyebrows, eyelashes…pretty much any hair that grows on your body).

See, the nutrients you take into your body are distributed to your various cells, including skin cells, and further have an indirect effect on the keratin-based substance that our nails and hair are made up of.

So, eating properly can in fact help both your eyelashes and the skin around them, as well as the skin and hair on the rest of your body.

And always make sure you drink plenty of water. Keep a water bottle or cup of water nearby at all times, and sip when thirsty. Further, make sure you’re getting a healthy serving of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

1. Zinc Soap for Long-Term Managementhow to get rid of eyelash dandruff

Noble Formula 2% Zinc Soap

There are many varieties of soap that contain zinc, a mineral known for its soothing and cleansing properties, often used in lotions for sensitive skin and for rashes, skin irritations, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, and on and on.

For eyelash dandruff, specifically try and look for a pyrithione zinc soap, which is especially useful for soothing red, itchy dandruff symptoms. Using such a soap at least once a day, up to twice a day, on your lash line, can help reduce the symptoms of eyelash dandruff and fight back against the unpleasant flakiness, redness, and irritation.

Just apply around the lash line very carefully, while keeping your eyes tightly shut (you don’t want to get any in your eyes, but if you do, just rinse thoroughly with water), rub it in, leave it there for a few minutes, then rinse off.

Overtime, consistent use of a zinc-containing soap every day can help keep eyelash dandruff (and other forms of dandruff, for that matter, if you happen to have the more commonly seen scalp dandruff too) at bay. Specifically, this helps fend off the yeast germs that can cause or contribute to irritation from dandruff.

2. Baby Shampoo Solution for Flare-Upshow to get rid of eyelash dandruff

Of course, while the above is a great long-term management plan, if you get a sudden flare-up or are dealing with a severe case at the start of your treatment, you’re gonna want to bring out some bigger guns, so to speak, at least for a little while.

One particularly helpful method is to mix a single squirt of baby shampoo into a glass of water, mix it well, and then dip a cotton Q-tip into this solution.

You then close one eye, hold your eyelid taut with one hand, and carefully run the Q-tip across the lash line once or twice. Wet the other end of the swab with the solution, close the other eye, and repeat.

When finished, rinse both eyes (while closed) thoroughly with warm water to remove the baby shampoo solution. Do this right after showing, or right after soaking the eyelids with a wet, warm wash cloth for five minutes. Make sure you apply the solution to both the upper and lower lash lines on each eye. Repeat once or twice a day until the flare-up passes.

It seems too simple to work, right? Thing is, the solution helps to remove built up oil, dead skin cells, and microorganisms, all of which can clog the pores in the lash line and make inflammation and irritation worse.

That simple cleansing keeps clogged glands and crust from building up and perpetuating the itchy, irritating feeling and puffiness. It also removes yeast germs that contribute to dandruff, and can even help remove Demodex mites, which may be a major cause of dandruff in the first place (there is some evidence, but no conclusive research yet).

Targeted cleaning of the lash line with a weak solution of a cleaning agent specifically designed to be gentle and non-irritating – like baby shampoo – can remove all of these contributing factors without causing worse irritation.

3. Warm Compress for Immediate Relief

Dry Eye Moist Heat Compress

A moist, warm compress is a great, easy way to get immediate relief from redness, itchiness, dryness and irritation – basically all the symptoms of eyelash dandruff.  Plus, the warmth stimulates the glands in your eyes to release beneficial fluids that moisten and refresh your eyes and lash line.

Simply wet a hand towel or washcloth with warm water and wrap around the affected area. Leave on for five minutes to a half-hour, getting up to re-heat as necessary. A great thing to try during a nice afternoon nap.

Another option is to pick up a ready-made moist heat compress like the Thermalon Dry Eye Compress​ that you can use just for your eyes. It only takes 20 seconds in the microwave to heat up to the perfect warmth!

4. Aloe Vera to Soothe and Hydratehow to get rid of eyelash dandruff

The aloe vera plant is well known for its soothing properties, and is helpful for a variety of applications, from burns of all types (sunburns, heat burns, chemical burns, etc) to itches, rashes, and more. It turns out, eyelash dandruff is one more thing it can help with.

Try applying some with a cotton swab to your lash line in a similar manner as the baby shampoo solution above (hold the eyelid taut with the eye closed), to both the upper and lower lash lines.

You probably don’t want to leave it on all day, though, so after five minutes or so, close your eyes and rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Or apply it at night so it can hydrate your lash line while you sleep.

5. Nourish with Natural Oils

Natural oils like olive, almond, avocado, emu, and coconut oil aren’t just great for nurturing weak, fragile lashes back to health. These natural oils are chock full of omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E and proteins that help moisturize and nourish the red, irritated skin on your lash line, repairing broken skin and relieving the symptoms of eyelash dandruff.

Find out the best oils for lash growth!

Plus, they’re so simple to use. Go for a Q tip to apply a tiny dab of the oil of your choice to your lash line. Don’t use too much as oils can weigh down your lashes and be uncomfortable if they get into your eyes. And again, night time is best for this so your eyelid skin can soak in the oils as you sleep.

6. Hydrate with Hyaluronic Acidhow to get rid of eyelash dandruff

As you get older, your body naturally produces less hyaluronic acid, leaving your eyes less protected, drier, and more prone to irritation. And it’s not just your eyes, the lack of hydration also affects your skin.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways for you to restore the lost hyaluronic acid and reap the benefits. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found good results in treating seborrheic dermatitis – i.e. dandruff – with two months of topical hyaluronic acid. You can easily do this for your eyes with hyaluronic acid eye drops.

A good idea is to also supplement with hyaluronic acid supplements to replenish moisture from the inside out.

7. Repair from the Inside Out with Biotin

how to grow eyebrows

Biotin for Hair, Skin & Nails

As mentioned above, the nutrients you take into your body have a big effect on the body itself, and when it comes to hair and nails, biotin has potentially the biggest impact on their quality of anything you consume.

Further, while biotin is typically produced naturally by everyone within the digestive tract, some people loose the ability to do with age, or never have it in the first place, often because of genetic reasons.

As such, there’s always a chance that your eyelash dandruff is actually the cause of a deeper issue, namely, a biotin deficiency, which can cause eczema, flaky and itchy skin, and – you guessed it – dandruff. Add a daily biotin supplement or drops to your routine to help restore healthy skin and eyelashes from the inside out!

See a Doctor:

Home remedies and over-the-counter products can only do so much, however, and if you’ve tried everything you can think of and the eyelash dandruff doesn’t budge, it’s time to see a dermatologist about the problem.

There are a lot of very helpful creams, ointments, washes, and more that can help with your eyelash dandruff, that are prescription-only, which means you’ve gotta see a doctor get them (typically there are good reasons for this, like many treatments, while perfectly safe if used correctly, can be very harmful if abused or used incorrectly).

It’s also helpful to have a professional who’s had training and experience in the field of dermatology be able to actually look at your problem and give you a professional opinion and work together with you to come up with an effective treatment plan that can get you dandruff-free and then keep you there.

So by all means, try the at-home solutions first if you like. Maybe you have a mild enough case to take care of it yourself with nothing but zinc soap, baby shampoo, and miscellaneous home remedies.

But if you’ve gone a couple of weeks with these treatments and haven’t seen much, if any improvement, it’s time to call up your local dermatologist and make that appointment.

8. Lemon Juice:


As we are aware of this fact that lemon is full of citric acid. So this citric acid is generally an awesome ingredient to remove from the eyelashes.

What is more, pal do with lemon?    

Cause lemon contains citric acid and citric acid have agents known as antimicrobial agents which helps you in getting rid of fungal infections caused by dandruff.

You must be thinking that how to use lemon juice to remove dandruff, aren’t you?

What you Need:

  • one tablespoon lemon juice, 
  • one by four cup of water 
  • a cotton ball.

How to Apply:

  • Once you have these things, you will dilute lemon juice and water.   
  • Apply the solution to your eyes. Keep it on your for 5 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
  • For better results use this method twice a day.

9. Use Almond Oil:

Use Almond Oil

Almond oil has such natural ingredients that make it a good contender for removing Eyelash Dandruff and from eyebrows as well.

The use of Almond oil can remove dead skin cells and soothe the area around the eyes that will cause more dandruff. 

Apart from preventing and removing skin cells and nourishing the skin area where the almond oil is applied, using almond oil can prove to be really helpful as applying almond oil to the eyelashes and eyebrows can nourish the hair fall areas and will also help in growing hair faster and quicker.

How to Apply:

  • To use the almond oil for this purpose, all you need to is take a tablespoon of Almond oil and heat it.
  • After this process is done, massage the eyebrows and the eyelashes with a very gentle hand before you go to the bed.
  • Let the oil sit on the applied area overnight. All you need to do now is that the next morning you wake up, wash the applied almond oil off by using the cold water. 

10. Use of Tea Tree Oil:

Tea Tree Oil

As the tea tree oil is found to be containing anti=fungies in large quantities, the tea tree oil is one of the easiest and the most efficient ways of removing dandruff from eyebrows and eyelashes.

How to apply:

  • To use tea tree oil to remove dandruff from eyelashes and eyebrows, all you need to do is take a tablespoon of tea tree oil and heat it for a few seconds. If you have a microwave then that’s perfect, but the standard stoves will do as well. 
  • After you are done heating the tea tree oil for a few seconds, the next process that is left for you to do is apply that tea tree oil on a cotton ball and then apply it to the area affected by dandruff. 
  • Let the oil sit for 10 minutes, then use lukewarm water to wash the oil off from the applied area. For optimal results, we recommend repeating this process at least three times in a day.

Additional Tips You Must Follow:

We all do struggle when it comes to dandruff on eyelashes and eyebrows. Experts explain many reasons due to which dandruff occurs. But in most cases, they are due to the consumption of junk food.

Also, it is due to the excessive use of makeup. Here I am going to tell you some tips that you must follow if you want to get rid of eyelash dandruff.

  • If you use makeup in excessive amounts and do not remove it in a proper manner and method. It causes dandruff, so clean your lashes and the area around your eye at night with proper makeup remover.
  • Drinking lots of water is the solution to many skin and hair problems. On the same hand avoiding alcohol, junk, caffeine, and consuming fresh fruits and vegetables also helps you in dealing with many of your hair and skin issues.
  • As we age, our body produces hyaluronic acid in a lesser amount that’s responsible for the protection of the eye. It causes dryness in the eyes and that leads to dandruff as well. Use hyaluronic acid drops if you want to get rid of your eyelash dandruff.
  • Take lots of vitamins as vitamin plays role in this case.
  • Using aloe vera gel, lemon juice, and natural oils on your eyelashes also helps you in removing dandruff.
  • If all these tips and treatments fail to remove your lash dandruff then see an ophthalmologist.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I know after knowing all these treatments and tips you have got so many questions in your head.

We have gathered some frequently asked questions and going to chase these quests.

How Do I Stop My Eyes From Being So Dry?

Many factors can cause dryness to your eyes you can prevent dryness by avoiding these factors.

Firstly, stop using dryers directly to your eyes, the same for air conditioners and fan air.

Secondly, stop smoking as smoking causes dryness to your eyes, to quit smoking is not an easy task but at least you can try.

Thirdly, if your computer or laptop screen is above then the level of your eye then you have to look at by opening your eye as wide as you can this also causes dryness. Set your screen as your eye-level.

Lastly, if you are performing long tasks then take eye breaks during these.

What Is the Main Cause Of Blepharitis? 

There is much cause of Blepharitis but the two main causes are having too much bacteria on the eyelid and the second cause is clogging of oil glands. Too much bacteria on the skin causes many problems.

Does Eyebrow Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

Yes if the eyebrow dandruff is left untreated for a long period then it causes hair loss.

Causes Of Dandruff On Eyelashes And Eyebrows:Causes Of Dandruff On Eyelashes And Eyebrows

The two main factors that can be blamed for Dandruff on Eyelashes and Eyebrows are named blepharitis and seborrheic dermatitis.

The former also called blepharitis is a condition that is characterized by inflammation on the eyelid margin and other issues such as burning, grittiness, and irritation.

The latter is also called seborrheic dermatitis and is a skin condition in which you develop skin inflammation. 

Now, these terms may sound scary but there is nothing as such that you should be worried about as there are remedies mentioned above in the article helping you deal with these conditions. 

Confer to the article above to find out about them and how you can steer clear of these conditions. 


Dandruff is one of the most frustrating issues when it comes to talking about health care. 

Don’t worry, as we have got you covered. These methods will prove more than enough in removing dandruff from your Eyelashes and make you look great again. 

If you also have a different method, let us know!

1 thought on “How to Get Rid of Eyelash Dandruff: 10 Most Effective Solutions”

  1. This condition known as seborrheic blepharitis usually occurs in people suffering from severe dandruff of the scalp. It looks like white patches or unclean eyes. These treatment options are the best and work perfectly to getting rid of eye dandruff. Thanks for sharing.

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